Dear friend- Angel Butterfly, by Irie Perera

Created by Ruchi 3 years ago
A wonderful creation of nature
Beautiful, dainty and gentle
Wings colourful, vibrant Indian silk
You were our beautiful Butterfly
Nature’s choices, cruel at times
Your existence on this earth brief
                                  was her choice
Nature’s scripting never revealed
Erratic and devastating sometimes
Soaking up the summer sunshine
Gliding from flower to flower
Visiting faraway glens and fields
Flaunting your wings, displaying
                                   The power
 As season’s end the warmth dips
The rich colourful attire fading
The wings that once carried you places
Paralysed and grounded just wasting
The beast of an illness MND
Motor Neurone Disease
Robbed you of your movement
Your sovereignty, your grandeur
Painful and hard to endure
We felt so hopeless
At summer’s end when the autumn
                                          chills struck
Your final flight flown, you lay motionless
The beast slowly destroyed you
Declined the right for your sustenance
Progressively choking you
Denied you the breath of life
Our hearts were broken
We felt so helpless
When the seasons change
Cherry blossoms bloom
We dream
Fly back dear rainbow wings
Bring  ‘Holi’ with you
Dear friend, our Angel Butterfly