Created by Ruchi 3 years ago

Ruchi made a significant contribution to the work of the Department for International Trade
and its predecessor departments, helping companies overcome barriers and supporting the trade policy agenda. I am very grateful for her hard work supporting me directly on critical company engagements and her admirable and professional handling of sensitive business requests. Her dedication has been an example to others, and I recall the heartfelt messages when she retired last year. I am very sad to hear the news and my thoughts are with Ruchi’s family and friends. Antonia Romeo - Permanent Secretary, Department for International Trade

I had the pleasure of working with Ruchi in her final role at DIT in the Strategic Relationship
Management team. She was widely admired for her experience, wit and calmness under pressure. She had such an engaging and positive personality that left a lasting impression on everyone she worked with. This undoubtedly strengthened her relationships with the companies she account managed, taught me a lot and brought positivity and cheer to any work environment. I have missed working with Ruchi and miss her even more now. Tom Hunt - Business Relations, Department for International Trade

Ruchi was in the team when I moved into the BIS Trade Policy Unit in 2014. She had her
diagnosis confirmed in autumn 2015 but was determined to carry on working – her attitude to her illness was ‘c’est la vie’. It’s hard that we can’t get together at this time; if we were all in the office, at least we could get together to raise a glass for Ruchi, and share and talk. But Ruchi wouldn’t want us to be down, or any fuss, so maybe for now we can just reflect on how lucky we’ve been to have had a bit of Ruchi in our lives, and what a privilege that is. Ian Lawrence - Assistant Director Capability, Bilateral Trade Relations, Department for International Trade

My profound thanks to Ruchi for being such a wonderful colleague, who brought unfailing
positivity, warmth, integrity, dedication and humour. Any and every conversation with her always left me feeling better about life. Chris Barton - Director, Prime Minister’s Office, No.10 Downing Street

Ruchi has remained in my thoughts since her departure. I have been devastated to hear
this news. I always found Ruchi to be such a delightful colleague to work with - possessing incredible knowledge and experience; always ready to help, straight-talking when giving her perspective; supportive, funny and kind. I enjoyed every second of working with her, and I continue to send Ruchi and Deepak my support and all the most positive of wishes during this exceedingly difficult time. Ruchi producing fantastically high-quality work with a smile and mischievous joke is one of my consistent memories of my time in Trade Disputes and Market Access. Noel Bartels - Trade Dispute Strategy and Reform, Department for International Trade

It’s sad news and even if rationally I accepted it had to happen at some point it is always a
shock when it does. I’ll always remember Ruchi as she was when I first met her in DTI when she was so cheerful, kind and helpful. Chris Alexander - Senior Economist, Department for International Trade

I remember Ruchi well as a cheerful and kind personality when working with her in the old
TDMA team. My thoughts are with her family and colleagues who knew her well and worked closely with her for a long time, it must be very difficult particularly at this time where we can’t all get together. Phil Burgess - Analysis Directorate, Department for International Trade

A great shame for a lovely lady who was always so bright, on the ball and kind to all.
Colin Bailey - Former line manager

This is such terribly sad news … I have been following the campaign on MND following Rob
Burrows’ diagnosis and Ruchi has been in my thoughts a lot as a result. My thoughts are with all of Ruchi’s family and friends. Amanda Brooks - Director, US Negotiations, Department for International Trade

What sad news. Ruchi was such a kind and thoughtful friend and colleague her spirit
was incredible and will live on through all of us. Ruchi was incredibly brave and I feel privileged to have experienced a piece of Ruchi in my life. Rodney Berkeley - Director for Energy and Infrastructure, Department for International Trade

Thank you for passing on the news. It is indeed terribly sad.
Michael Williams - Deputy Director, Macro Analysis and Modelling Team, Department for International Trade

My fondest memories of working with Ruchi are not work related. Although she is one of
the finest colleagues I have ever had the privilege to work with, approaching everything she did with dedication, positivity and a very gentle humour, I remember a meeting with the European Consumer Centre in Essex where we met at her house and brainstormed the possibility of having a hot tub party with colleagues in the garden. We never did manage to get this organised, but the possibilities made us smile that day. I will always remember that, and can hear her laugh about it as I write this. I will miss her, will treasure my memories of working with her, and send with this message my love. Chris Korcz - Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy

Ruchi was so kind and welcoming when I joined DIT and the Civil Service in 2017 and I will
always be grateful. She has such a great sense of humour, which I have missed since she left the team and got that well-deserved promotion a couple of years ago. We should be reflecting on how lucky we’ve been to have had a bit of Ruchi in our lives, and what a privilege that is. Sam Hazelgrove - Free Trade Agreement Disputes Policy, Department for International Trade

No different to the sentiment that others have expressed … I will always remember Ruchi to
be someone who radiates such warmth and energy. I am fortunate enough to have known someone of Ruchi’s character, the moments I’ve shared with Ruchi and colleagues will remain vivid in my mind for ever. A truly remarkable individual. We last met when we left 100 Parliament Street together one evening and she was in her element - from packing up to when we parted on the street, our exchanges were full of hilarity, much of it Ruchi’s doing. For my part, I think this is because Ruchi has such a genuine nature to herself that people are at ease to reveal their foibles in her company. Piers Davenport - HM Revenue and Customs

I was so very sorry to hear such sad news about Ruchi, my heart sank when Michael told
me. I have many fond memories of Ruchi and when we worked together. Ruchi and I got to know each other long before we ever worked together, I worked on trade policy and Ruchi on the EU side, we would see each other in the kitchen area whilst she was making tea/ coffee and I would be topping up my bottle of water. We would always have a smile and a chat so by the time we worked together on the same team we had got to know each other very well. Ruchi shared my sense of humour and was always up for a laugh and a giggle with me. With her lovely smile and cheerful personality, it was always a pleasure to work with her and be in her company. Marilyn Swain - Department for Business Energy and Industrial Strategy

I remember fondly a wonderful colleague who was so very kind and welcoming to a slightly
lost younger me when I first joined the department. Laura Goldthorpe - Trade Disputes, Department for International Trade

We knew this time would come, but that doesn’t make it any less dreadful. MND is such a
horrible, insidious condition … for someone as nice as Ruchi to suffer it is truly awful and completely unfair. As Sisi said, it’s a shame we can’t get together to celebrate Ruchi’s life in even a small way, but … Ruchi wouldn’t want us to be down and we’ve been lucky to have known her. Phil Richards - Policy Advisor, Trade Remedies, Department for International Trade

I’m so sad to hear the news of Ruchi’s passing. I’m hoping Deepak and the rest of her family
find strength from the fact that Ruchi was so admired, respected and well-loved by those who worked with her. I learnt a lot from her and am glad she had the chance to learn about her MBE and the esteem in which she was held before she passed away. I will never forget her friendliness, willingness to help, and her sense of humour. Noel Bartels - Trade Disputes Strategy & Reform, Department for International Trade

Thank you so much for letting me know this very sad news about such a lovely lady.
Sue Redding - Trade in Services, Department for International Trade

My memory of Ruchi and the calibre of her work was echoed by Pernod Ricard’s Anishka
Jelicich, Public Affairs Director, whom Tim and I met at our introductory meeting with them back in 2019. When we were discussing previous contact with DIT, Ruchi’s name was mentioned as a great contact for them on the Trade side. I mentioned this to Ruchi when I next saw her and she was pleased to hear the compliment and the fact she was remembered by the company. Richard Bowden - Business Relations, Department for International Trade

Very sad news indeed. Ruchi was a lovely, warm generous lady and will be greatly missed.
Hopefully Ruchi’s family will gain some comfort from knowing how loved and respected she was. Julie Rento - Trade Relations and Implementation, Department for International Trade

I would like to say how truly sorry we were to hear that Ruchi had passed away. The whole
CTPA team would like to send our sincere condolences to you and her family at this family sad time. Ruchi was extremely helpful and proactive and we will miss her expertise. Julia Hewitt - Commercial Affairs Co-ordinator & Database Manager, Cosmetic Toiletry & Perfumery Association -----------

I am so sorry to hear about Ruchi Nanda’s passing. I never knew her well but have always
known her as a supportive and very able colleague, right from my first job in trade policy (in 2009). She was a real character and I’m so pleased her work has been recognised with an MBE. Miranda Dawkins - Deputy Director, Trade Policy Group, Department for International Trade

I well remember those early days in the new DIT … and the extremely positive
approach she brought to our work then – and all the way through her time with us even when her health was deteriorating. She set such a powerful, positive example to us all. Vic Platten - Deputy Director Global, Bilateral Trade Relations, Department for International Trade

Ruchi was an absolutely incredible person to work with. We worked on various trade issues
together and Ruchi was always extremely helpful in raising the industry’s concerns. I loved calling her up and we always managed to have a giggle. It is a terrible loss but she was also a very admirable person, taking on her illness with such dignity. I am delighted she was awarded an MBE and it was absolutely well deserved. Siobhan Sellers - Former Brand Manager, Scotch Whisky Association

Really sorry to hear the news of Ruchi passing away. She was a fantastic person and I hope
Deepak and family find strength during this difficult time. Stephen Johnston - Trade Remedies, Market Access and Disputes, Department for International Trade

My thoughts and wishes are with her family at this difficult time. This is very sad news.
Suzanne Redding - Trade in Services, Department for International Trade

Although I only worked with Ruchi for a few months, I particularly remember how
welcoming she was when I was new to Business Relations, so quick to put me and everyone she met at ease. A privilege to have known and worked with her. Ned Burton - Business Intelligence, Department for International Trade

It was always a great pleasure to work with Ruchi. We laughed a lot, put the world to rights
and supported each other over many years. Ruchi was my favourite colleague to travel with. Alex, my eldest son, has fond memories of playing with a beautiful puppy at Ruchi and Deepak’s house. Someone I shall always remember. Ian Ascough - Board of Trade, Department for International Trade

This is really sad news. Ruchi retired 6 months after I joined the team, so I did not get to
know her like other members of the team. But what I do remember was that Ruchi was welcoming, friendly and always willing to help. These attributes went a long way in helping me settle. May her soul RIP. Sanjay Shah - Business Relations, Department for International Trade

Some of the pictures here remind me of what a great person Ruchi was to work
with. From the first day that I met her, six or so years ago, I was impressed by her professional and considered manner. As I go to know her more – especially after she joined the SRM team – I realised even more what a great person she was. I will never forget the fun we had on the Xmas dinner scavenger hunt – until the cold kicked in!!! The last time I saw was at her home in February – with Deepak. What a host! I am so sorry and sad that we will not be able to repeat that. I will miss her. My deepest sympathies Deepak. Michael White - Strategic Relationship Management, Department for International Trade

Ruchi was an absolute joy to have as a colleague. I was privileged to work with her
during her time on the SRM team, and it was always a pleasure seeing her in the office for a chat. Above all I remember Ruchi for her fantastic sense of humour and her unfailingly positive take on things. My thoughts go out to you and Ruchi’s wider family and friends at this time. Neil Quinlan - previously Business Relations, Department for International Trade

Very sorry to hear of Ruchi’s passing. She was much loved and well regarded, just sorry I
did it get a chance to know her more. Pukul Rana - previously Business Relations, Department for International Trade

Ruchi was certainly one of a kind. She was great at what she did and made people feel
at ease in her presence. I recall feeling really popular at meetings in Brussels because everyone came round to talk to me but their first question was always ‘where/how is Ruchi’? I joked with Ruchi that I felt like an impostor. They always seemed disappointed she wasn’t there. The tributes from EU and industry counterparts is testament to the relationship she built with them. Over the years, Ruchi became a good friend. She truly cared and was there for me during difficult times, even when she had her own problems. She refused to let MND get her down, even having a laugh at her new reality. She faced it with such determination and stoicism, shrugging off any doom and gloom, with the words ‘c’est las vie’. Visiting Ruchi just before lockdown with Ian and Michael was such a treat. As much laughter as there was food! I really looked forward to seeing her again but sadly, that wasn’t to be. I miss her already and am grateful for the memories I have of her. Sending heartfelt condolences to Deepak and all the family. Sisi Omu - Trade Policy, Department for International Trade

It a sad news. She was such a fighter. May she rest now in the boom of the Lord.
Kristina Sharka - Trade Policy Unit, Department for International Trade

This is very sad news. Ruchi was a lovely lady who showed great courage and dignity
in dealing with such a terrible illness. I know she will be greatly missed and send my condolences and sympathy to her family, friends and colleagues. Trevor Cayless - Group Trade and Government Affairs Adviser, Babcock

It is so very sad to hear … Ruchi was so kind and patient with me when I joined DIT. I will
remember her smile and the sparkle in her eyes. Charlie Mackay - Bilateral Trade Relations, Department for International Trade

Very sad news to come back to this morning. Bittersweet given the announcement about
her MBE, very well deserved. Michael Williams - Deputy Director, Macro Analysis and Modelling Team, Department for International Trade

Very sorry to hear this sad news. Ruchi was simply a wonderful, warm, generous, kind and
funny person. My thoughts are with Deepak and family. Phil Richards - Trade Remedies, Department for International Trade

It was truly a pleasure working with Ruchi. Her courageous and jovial attitude is inspiring,
she’ll be remembered for her kind nature and witty messages. My deepest condolences to Ruchi’s family, may she rest in eternal peace. Seeta Tandon - Business Intelligence, Department for International Trade

Ruchi could light up a room. She so often made my day in happier times. So sorry to hear
of her passing. Will keep her in my prayers. Edward Bell - Export Control Joint Unit, Department for International Trade

I am very sad to hear about the lovely Ruchi’s passing. She was a very special person who
did not let her illness affect how she lived her life and treated everyone who was fortunate enough to have met her. My sincere condolences to her family and loved ones. May her soul rest in eternal peace. Joyce Easmon-Nyamador - Export Licensing, Department for International Trade

I’m saddened to hear of Ruchi’s demise. What an incredibly lovely lady! I recall she took
time out – when I first joined the then Market Access team in TPG in 2018- to provide a very thorough ‘teach in’ on market access barriers in the alcoholic beverage sector and later introducing me to a key industry stakeholder (SWA)! Thank you for your time and efforts- it hasn’t gone unnoticed. May the Lord grant Ruchi eternal rest and let perpetual light shine upon her. May she rest in peace. Bertha Eson-Benjamin - Trade Policy Asia Markets, Department for International Trade

Particularly pleased to hear of Ruchi’s Honour and saddened by her passing – such a
fabulous human being. Gavin Winbanks - Director Capital Investment, Department for International Trade

Congrats Ruchi on your Honour!
If ever you talk about an exemplar co-worker, someone many employees enjoy working with, who is willing to help their team succeed and meet the organisation’s goals, pleasant to be around, and above all possesses a positive attitude and treat their co-workers with respect… then there is none other than the late Ruchi Nanda. You will be eternally missed and never forgotten. Rest In Paradise Ruchi! Dave Joseph - Ministerial Programmes, Department for International Trade

Very sad to hear about Ruchi, she was such a lovely person. Her family is in my thoughts.
Georgina Hamilton - Global Entrepreneur Programme, Department for International Trade

So saddened by the death of Ruchi Nanda who only retired last Christmas and was looking
forward to becoming a lady of leisure. Such an amazing person and hope she is looking down on everyone. Rest in peace, Ruchi! Edwina Osborne - Bilateral Trade Relations, Department for International Trade

Ruchi will be remembered as a wonderful colleague, professionally outstanding and who
had abundant kindness, positivity, warmth, energy, integrity, commitment and humour. Martin Kent - Director, Strategic Engagement and Planning, Department for International Trade

Really sorry to hear this sad news. Ruchi was a lovely colleague and person, and someone
who always brought a great deal of warmth and humour to the office. I was lucky enough to work with her twice - once in BEIS in the EU single market team, and more recently as a colleague in Business Relations, and was delighted to hear that she had joined the team in DIT. Ruchi will be hugely missed, and my thoughts go out to her family and friends. Dominic Lyons - Consul, Business Environment, British Consulate General Shanghai