My dear friend

Created by Gill 3 years ago

Ruchi you are now laid to rest but will never be forgotten

we met 26 years ago and it only seems like yesterday. You have been taken far too soon you still had so much to give.

I will always remember our time together the many girls nights out full of fun and so much laughter. We all laughted so much at times we made ours selves cry. I will not share why on here but you know what they were. Somethings us girls need to keep secret.

The many girly hot tub nights at yours with poor Deepak having to make himself scarce. Your neighbours must have wondered what was going on.

You always took interest in my family and loved to catch up with what Thomas was up to. His latest adventure, job, golf and his life. Both Thomas and Neil will miss you too.

I am so glad Dene and I managed to see you just before christmas where you had the time to catch up with our lives. Sadly that was our goodbyes and a time we will not forget.

Thank you for being my friend.

we will always be here for Deepak if he needs us.

Rest in peace my dear friend

lots of love Gill, Neil & Thomas xxx